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  • Karl K. Maier

Motivate like the Marines

When we think of the armed forces, many times we think about a drill sergeant yelling at the new recruits. While this approach is certainly one aspect of motivation in the armed forces, in reality the armed forces use a much more sophisticated set of motivational tools.

Picture a unit of soldiers that have been tasked with taking a hill. One unit is a group of mercenaries. These mercenaries are highly trained, very experienced soldiers who are very capable of doing their job. However, when the bullets are flying fast and furious, it is very possible that they will make a decision that is just too risky. It is not hard to imagine that they may back-off from charging up the hill in the face of heavy enemy fire.

On the other hand, picture a unit of U.S. Marines. Marines are not motivated by money. The reason a Marine is motivated would include things like duty, honor, country, and code. This unit of Marines are more likely to charge up the hill even when the battle is at its most furious.

Would you like to have that same type of motivation in your company? If you did, surely you would win the war with your competitors. You may not win every battle, but with a team is motivated as the US Marines you would surely outperform all your competitors. The Abunden Framework© uses the same principles that the U.S. Marines use to motivate their people.

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